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Penalty For Breaking The Membership Agreement


Penalty for Breaking the Membership Agreement

All of your TBC wallets will be suspended without warning for up to six months if submitted documentation proves that you are attempting to or have broken the Membership Agreement. All buying and selling of TBC coins must be done at the Current Price. Selling TBC coins at a discount is strictly forbidden and punishment will be swift and without notice given. All packages of TBC coins sold adding TBC coins as a gift will also be considered a discounting of the price of TBC and will be punished. The foundation of the TBC community is the Membership Agreement and we will not allow anyone to crack it, and have zero tolerance for anyone who attempts to break it.
If a Leader in the TBC community contacts you because they have discovered that you are breaking the Membership Agreement, be grateful!  They don’t have to warn you.  Proof documented that you are breaking the Membership Agreement will lead to you losing access to your TBC wallets and TBC coins, for up to 6 months.  We are not messing around with you any longer!  Some of the violators of the membership agreement have not respected the leaders that have called them out.
We are almost done building the new wallet platform for TBC and not only will it be able to remain stable and available as traffic to the wallets increases, it has a suspension feature.  If your wallet is suspended, you will not be able to access it for up to 6 months.  You will see: “Sorry your TBC Wallet has been Suspended Until __/__/____.”
This is for your own good.  You will not lose your TBC coins.  But they will continue to appreciate in value during the time your wallet is suspended.  It is foolish to compete on price with TBC.  The Price of TBC is what makes TBC unique and special.  So, discounting the TBC coins will be seen as an ATTACK against the WHOLE TBC COMMUNITY, AND YOU WILL BE PUNISHED!
We are making a list of violators right now, and once the new wallet system is in place, we will suspend all of the wallets on that list.  We will not notify you, or give you a warning.  You will just see that your wallet has been suspended for 6 months!
Does this centralize TBC a bit more?  Yes, it does!  TBC is carving out it’s own path as the first “Abundance-Based” currency, and we are not bound to the path that crypto-currencies take.  Always remember that!  We will always protect our TBC community!

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